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What is hearing loss?

While experiencing hearing loss is commonly associated with people as they age, it can also afflict younger people as well, including children. The causes vary, from genetic conditions to injury, to damage caused by loud music or work environments. Whatever the case, though, not all hearing loss can be combated.

  • About 20 percent of Americans, 48 million, report some degree of hearing loss.
  • At age 65, one out of three people has a hearing loss.
  • 60 percent of the people with hearing loss are either in the workforce or in educational settings.
  • While people in the workplace with the mildest hearing losses show little or no drop in income compared to their normal hearing peers, as the hearing loss increases, so does the reduction in compensation.

Why Choose Acute Hearing to Help?

At Acute Hearing, we care about everyone’s hearing health and wish to see everyone take advantage of the technology and health options that exist for hearing loss cases today. Starting with our free online hearing test and moving on up to a scheduled appointment, we can get you on the path towards healthier hearing today.

Acute Hearing is also one of the best choices for tinnitus help. We have tinnitus devices that are designed to provide relief from those annoying sounds. You can start with our online tinnitus test or contact us at 855-635-7434 for an appointment today.

Regardless of what you choose, Acute Hearing offers a 30-day love it or leave it guarantee.

Patient Intake Form

Please download and complete our New Patient Intake Form prior to your first visit.

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